Acapella Audio Arts
Triolon Excalibur speaker
The dealer demo speakers in these pictures are now for sale.
(We are no longer Acapella dealers,
and we have to make room for the new
$250K Marten Design Coltrane Supreme loudspeakers,
for which we will be the exclusive U.S. dealership)


email: mike&
Copyright (c) Audio Federation, Inc.


(pictures of the Triolons in our showroom)

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Acapella Audio Arts
Triolon Excalibur Loudspeakers
Incomparable Expressions of Love of Art and Music



Acapella Audio Arts is world renowned as builders of the most natural sounding speakers available. With their unique approach of utilizing the most appropriate technology for each aspect of sound reproduction, they are able to achieve that which no other manufacturer has - a holistic presentation of music that is as enjoyable as it is convincing. The Triolon Excalibur is the penultimate example of the high-tech magicians at Acapella and is so much better than the competition it is embarrassing. And while you are figuring out just how can anybody make speakers sound so amazing, you can also wonder why nobody else is making speakers look this good.

  • Dark red automotive paint (available in any automotive color)
  • Overall: 7' 2" high x 3' 6" Wide x 3' 2" Deep
  • Sensitivity: 97.5 dB/watt/meter
  • Weight: Approximately 900 lbs each
  • Retail Price: $145,000.00 pair







email: mike&
Copyright (c) Audio Federation, Inc.