What we're playing with this week

We’ve been spending most of our time downstairs.

We set up the Audio Note TT3 Reference turntable next to the Walker Proscenium Gold Signature turntable.

It has been back-and-forth, Walker –> TT3 –> Walker –> TT3 ….. both through the Lamm LP2 phono stage into the Ongaku integrated amp and the Kharma Mini Exquisite loudspeakers.

How do they compare, you may ask? In raw terms, the Walker is an audiophile’s dream come true and the TT3 is a music lover’s dream come true. Since we are music loving audiophiles, we can’t really talk about one being the ‘winner’. The TT3 is more dynamic, more lively, more engaging… more youthful. The Walker has a lower noise floor, is more accurate top-to-bottom, a more mature sound.

In fact, the idea would be for us to make them sound a lot more alike [which we have to some extent already] – to get a more musical cartridge for the Walker [we are using the Blue Magic Diamond – not so bad obviously, but there are better, unfortunately more expensive ones out there that are generally considered better]. And conversely, to dress up the TT3 with a rack with more vibration control, to correspond to the Walker’s air suspensions [even though the RixRax with HRS platforms comes close, HRS’s MXR rack still laughs at this setup].

Upstairs we still have the EDGE amps on the Coltrane Supreme loudspeakers, with the Lamm ML2.1 amps waiting for us to get our act together and replace the EDGE.

We have our new HRS SXR 3-shelf rack next to our HRS MXR 4-shelf rack.

Look at all that black!

Neli cleaned everything up, but this is two days later and already some Rocky Mountain dust has found its home on our stuff again.

We’ve appropriated some platforms / shelves for our playtime downstairs.

The Brinkmann Balance turntable.

Right now, we only have one phono stage, which the TT3 and Walker share. Even after our Audio Note M9 Phono arrives, we will only have two phono stages. But we have THREE turntables [well, four, but the little TT2 uses the little Audio Note Oto integrated’s phono stage].

We also do not have rack space for digital on the RixRax equipment rack in listening room 2.

What this means is that our Walker is up for sale on Audiogon [Neli is still glaring at me, because this was really my decision]. If anyone is interested…. be sure to think it over… it is not like they appear on Audiogon everyday [in fact, almost never. And for a good reason].

Next : Audio Note SOGON interconnect versus Audio Note SOOTTO interconnect versus Audio Note PALLAS interconnect. And a CES 2008 retrospective.

Globe Audio Marketing and Brinkmann North America at CES

A Very Special CES Invitation

Globe Audio Marketing and Brinkmann North America cordially invite you to a very special presentation during the Las Vegas Consumer Electronics Show 8-11 January 2007.

This invitation only demonstration will take place in a private estate with an audio listening room similar in scope and size to what might be found in a normal listening environment. Comprising a WLM active loudspeaker system, Audio Aero Capitole CD player and the Brinkmann Audio Balance and LaGrange turntables, the Brinkmann 10.5 and 12.0 tone arms, the Brinkmann/EMT Titanium phono cartridge, the Brinkmann Mono amplifiers and Marconi line stage and the world debut of the Brinkmann Edison vacuum tube driven phono stage, as well as the Breuer Dynamic tone arm and Nirvana Audio cables. Demonstrations will take place in the afternoon and evening hours during the CES Show and will include a light dinner and product discussion.

This demonstration is in addition to the exhibition at Consumer Electronics Show in the Venetian Resort Hotel Casino suite 29-320 where the WLM loudspeakers Diva, Audio Aero Capitole CD player, a Brinkmann LaGrange turntable, Brinkmann 12.0 tone arm, the Breuer Dynamic tone arm and the North American debut of the RCM Bonasus vacuum tube integrated amplifier will be shown.

Contact Information:

Jody Hickson, Globe Audio Marketing
Email: info@globeaudiomkt.com

Lawrence Blair, Brinkmann North America
Email: information@brinkmann-usa.com

Brinkmann Balance turntable

One thing about the new categorization scheme here on the blog is that it lets me see where we have been berift of attention with respect to a line of products we carry.

We love all of our lines – which is to say that we love what they do for us, sonically speaking.

So, alhthough we mention them many times in passing, one can see that we only had two posts for the Brinkmann and one for the Walker. We are going to have to fix that.

We’ll start, since tables are SO photogenic and we like taking photographs, don’t we? by posting some pretty pictures:

Brinkamnn balance
The stepup transfomer on the right there is the Audio Note AN-S4.

Brinkamnn balance
The cartridge is the Lyra Titan.

Brinkamnn balance

Brinkamnn balance

Brinkamnn balance

Brinkamnn balance
The platform is the HRS M3 Isolation base that was specially designed for the Brinkmann Balance.

Brinkamnn balance

Brinkamnn balance

Brinkamnn balance

Brinkamnn balance

Brinkamnn balance

Brinkamnn balance

Well, now you all might have a better idea what Brinkmann’s Balance looks like…. 🙂

And, for bigger, larger, more photos, see our Brinkmann Balance Gallery and Brinkmann Balance Setup Gallery.