4th of July

A lot of people ask if we just stay home and watch fireworks from our deck, or even the livingroom.

[The view from the front porch]

The answer is… no. The fireworks down in Boulder, set off from the C.U. stadium [can’t see it in this photo] are about as big as your thumb held out at arms length. It so happens that they do not send up fireworks very high [and this year about 20% did not make it above the stadium itself], nor are they very large – making sure all the embers die before they go wafting and starting a lot of fires, I guess. Or maybe they are just cheapskates 🙂

From the windows behind / to the left of the Supremes we can see about 6 – 10 other fireworks displays in the Denver-Boulder front-range area, but they are about half the size of the ones down in Boulder from up here.

So, no, we usually go down to the University and sit right outside the stadium, [they blast a mix of patriotic pap and throw in a couple of regular songs once in a while – I think I even heard them playing a classical piece this year… Whoa!] to save our ears for another day [but, of course, they get blasted by the BOOM of the fireworks – but that is fun. Those ‘booms’ are quite impressive – about 110 – 120dB? at 200-300 yards.]

And the fireworks fill the sky a little better than they do as viewed from our listening room.