The evolution of musical enjoyment plus How loudspeakers work – Audiophiledom March 7, 2015

The evolution of musical enjoyment plus How loudspeakers work

The Science, History and Dissappearance of Real Music ENJOYMENT Today by the Masses

This article at Mic covers several topics, all to support the thesis that the Internet / MP3 / Spotify is killing the actual enjoyment of music for most people.

This might be positive for the industry if we can get people to walk into a decent high-end audio dealership –  and if at the same time if there should appear more decent high-end audio dealerships.  Or  maybe they should just go to high-end audio shows –  much better sound there for the most part…. Hmmmmmm…..

The  contrast between high-end audio and what  most people are used to hearing is growing and growing…

“A recent study performed by audio researchers at DTS divided a group of listeners into two groups — one that watched a video accompanied by standard stereo 96-kbps sound (Spotify’s default audio setting) and the other group listened in 256-kbps audio format. The responses in the brains of the group listening with the 256-kbps audio were 14% more powerful on metrics measuring memory creation and 66% higher on pleasure responses. And this was just 96 to 256 kbps. “


Lots of links  to articles and graphs in that Mic article…

From Spotify’s voluminous data analyzed by Music Machinery :


Just what is with you late 40 somethings and late 60 somethings?  🙂


Some nice animations about how loudspeakers work. Talk about your audio porn…



That’s hi-fi for now folks. Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow.