Happy Thanksgiving, Audio Note style

Thanksgiving. Audio Note. An itchy finger waiting to press play. [All the while trying stay out of the cook’s (Neli’s) way. Holidays. Phooey. What are they good for? Nuthin 🙂 I *like* getting in her way :-)]

Twas the night before…

No. That’s not right.

.. All was quiet in the house…

Well, it is really quiet. Even from up here in the foothills, inside the house with all the windows shut, you can tell most people have stayed home today and there is a lot less traffic noise

Today, we are spending some time upstairs listening, and then sometime down here on this little Audio Note system.

This system really fills and pressurizes the room – plays really loud and ‘just gets bigger, not more in-your-face’ as your turn up the volume, paraphrasing another listener here.

Funny, lately people come up and only listen to the big EMM Labs system upstairs or this more modest system, not both.

We did a power cord shoot out on this Audio Note system last week – it is amazing how much better and better the system gets as we put more and more expensive power cables on it.

This essentially $25K or so system really does beat many 100K+ systems [hey, it only took us 10(?!) years to figure out how to set up these speakers in an OCTAGONAL room. Better late than never. Most speakers love this shaped room, but Audio Note speakers like to be in corners… except there ain’t any here in the awesome but yet a little unusual house.].

It has resolution, imaging, wide, wide soundstage, lots and lots of dynamics and goes loud without straining.

Or, rather, it has Radiohead, Jarre, and Colin Stetson (thanks Glenn)



Can’t decide whether I like this album, or whether it is going to give me nightmares. 🙂

But, more seriously, we are so thankful for getting to listen to all this YUMMY gear, to have made SO MANY friends through Audio Federation, and especially for all the people who decided to buy their cool a** stuff from a couple of crazy audiophiles… us!

Have a good one, everybody 🙂